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What Does Environmental Consulting Consist Of?


Environmental consulting is a highly specialized service. It’s deeply rooted in the disciplines of science and technology. Consultants are usually well versed in disciplines such as engineering, environmental science, or environmental law. The main goal of an environmental consultant is to ensure that clients are operating in a way that keeps them in compliance with environmental regulations.

Who Needs Environmental Consulting Services?

IndustrialSiteTexasEnvironmentalMost industries can utilize environmental consultants. Construction, agriculture, manufacturing, and even some retail chains have enlisted the expertise of environmental consultants to audit the impact of their companies on the environment. Whether companies have either decided to either “go green” or just avoid penalties, fines, and legal trouble, environmental consultants are pivotal across the economic spectrum in today’s business climate.



What Areas Do Environmental Consultants Specialize In?

  • Contaminated Land, Remediation Strategy

  • Energy Audits and Project Analysis

  • Geotechnical Engineering

  • Environmental Records and Reporting Systems

  • “Green” Audits to verify Eco claims or labels

  • Regulatory Compliance Audits

  • Environmental Impact Reporting and Assessment

  • Phase 1 Screening Studies and Assessments

  • Asbestos Management, Removal, Monitoring

  • Radon Management, Risk Assessment, Monitoring

  • Carbon Monitoring, Management, Reporting

  • Waste Management Reporting, Strategy, Systems

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Systems

As environmental consultants continue to operate in a larger capacity to satisfy the green economy, increased regulations, and multinational commerce and standards, their areas of specialization will also expand.

Talon/LPE is a preferred environmental consulting agency with offices in Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. We offer a wide variety of specializations within our Environmental Consulting services wing. Whether your company is trying to meet compliance standards or increase your energy efficiency, we can formulate a strategy to meet your specific needs. Contact us today for more information.

Topics: Environmental Consulting