Talon/LPE is proud of its experience performing contaminated soil and groundwater remediation on University Lands. University Lands manages and maintains 2.1 million acres of land located in the Permian Basin, managing both the surface and mineral interests of the Permanent University Fund for the benefit of Texans.
University Lands helps oversee activities taking place on the acreage stretched across 19 counties to include ensuring environmental compliance and adherence with regulatory agencies and University Lands environmental policy. University Lands environmental policy includes compliance with the University Lands Groundwater Management Plan and produced water spills, which are currently not regulated by the state of Texas.
Talon/LPE has experience working with operators and University Lands personnel to ensure remedial action is completed in compliance and up to University Lands standards. Talon/LPE has been performing environmental remediation services on University Lands for over a decade. Services performed include crude oil, condensate, and produced water spill remediation.
Talon/LPE project managers have the experience and knowledge it takes to tackle your project’s needs. Contact Talon/LPE today!